朝酒は門田を売っても飲め Asa-zakewa kadota wo uttemo nome.

  • 解釈:朝酒の美味さを言った言葉。「門田」とは、屋敷の入り口にある田で、その家の田の中で最もよい田とされる。
  • Literal:Sell a good rice field and drink alcohol at a morning. It is because a morning cup of sake is delicious.
  • Interpretation:Our fathers who were wondrous wise did wash their throats before they washed their eyes.
  • 類義:朝酒、後を引く。朝酒は女房を質に置いてでも飲め。
GLN 日本の諺・金言・名言 A proverb, a maxim, and a wise saying of Japan.